Legal team argues 'Gupta Leaks' should be part of State Capture Inquire

Legal team argues 'Gupta Leaks' should be part of State Capture Inquire

An advocate wants Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to release thousands of emails known to the public as the "Gupta Leaks."    

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo

The state capture inquiry's legal head, Paul Pretorius, is bringing an application to submit the data as evidence. It's understood to be exchanges with the Guptas on emails.  

Pretorius says these three hard drives contain forensic images from one original hard drive - which's damaged.

Pretorius says the original owner of the data - Sahara Computers - isn't aware that the information's being brought as evidence. 

He says the Gupta-owned company will be notified of this.  

Meanwhile some senior members of the DA are attending the inquiry today - including party leader, Mmusi Maimane.

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