KZN ward councillor gunned down in Cliffdale

KZN ward councillor gunned down in Cliffdale

Hammarsdale police are investigating the murder of a local ward councillor who was gunned down in Cliffdale, west of Durban this past weekend. 

Police crime scene

Officers have called the shooting an ambush, saying 39-year-old Minenhle Mkhize was targeted after he returned home on Saturday night.


Provincial police spokesperson Thembeka Mbele says he'd gone to play soccer at Unit 6.


"He was still in the vehicle, being a Toyota Hilux white in colour with GP registration number, and he was shot several times and he died on the scene."


The vehicle was taken to the police pound for further investigation.


Seven empty cartridges were found at the scene.

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Meanwhile eThekwini speaker Thabani Nyawose has described the death of the ANC Ward 103 councillor as a great loss to the municipality.


He says becoming a councillor is now dangerous job. 


"We now live under fear, weare being attacked and receiving death threats but what happened with the family by the assassination of councillor Mkhize. We send our condolences to the family and the ward.”

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