KZN’s unemployed to continue picketing during election week

KZN’s unemployed to continue picketing during election week

Job seekers in KZN will this week continue to protest against what they believe to be the government's failure to address the issue of unemployment in the province.

No jobs sign in SA  unemployement STATS SA
Unsplash/Hennie Stander

Unemployed nurses, social workers, pharmacists and teachers are due to hand over yet another memorandum of grievances to the Office of the Premier tomorrow.  


The group is demanding letters of employment from the government. 


South Africa's jobless rate increased by 0.8% between the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter of 2024.


It now stands at 32.9%. 

KZN's unemployment rate stands at 29.9%, which is below the official unemployment rate in South Africa.

ALSO READ: Unemployed KZN social workers vow to continue strike


Noluthando Ndlovu, who's speaking on behalf of the social workers, says they'll continue to camp outside the premier's office until their pleas are heard.


"We have decided that enough is enough. We are not going to be ignored or not taken seriously.


"We demand employment from the premier and the government and that they give us a strategic plan on how they are going to employ us because they are telling us there are no funds. They simply want to chase us away.


"We understand that the department may not have funds, but they need to be strategic. They need to contact other stakeholders for us to be employed, but our issue is non-political. It is an issue in KZN,” said Ndlovu.


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