KZN teacher’s partner allegedly storms classroom, stabs her

KZN teacher’s partner allegedly storms classroom, stabs her

A primary school teacher in northern KwaZulu-Natal is fighting for her life in hospital after she was the victim of a vicious attack in her classroom - allegedly by her boyfriend.  


Police say the suspect on Monday was denied entry at Ncwabakazi Upper Primary in KwaHlabisa. 


He later returned, armed with a bush knife and entered through the staff room. 


"Having suffered multiple severe injuries on her body, face and head as a result of the attack. This incident sent a shock wave through the community, leaving parents and educators disturbed by the violence they witnessed," says KZN Social Service's Mhlabunzima Memela. 

READ: Bonela councillor raises concerns over increase in violent crime


The attacker was still on the run by Wednesday morning.


"It is not good enough that this perpetrator is still at large. We want to call on the communities to help police track down perpetrators of gender-based violence,” says Memela.


A team of social workers have been dispatched to the school to provide much-needed psycho-social support to learners, educators and the teacher’s family.

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