KZN pastor handed two life terms for rape

KZN pastor handed two life terms for rape

A northern KwaZulu-Natal pastor has begun serving two terms of life imprisonment for the rape of his former partner's daughter. 

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The Ulundi Reginal Court ordered well-known minister Menzi Computer Madela to jail for the 2018 crime in Embeka. 


The 13-year-old child's mother reported the 47-year-old pastor to the police. 


"After an intensive investigation the accused was arrested and made several appearances in Court. He was successfully convicted and sentenced," says KZN police spokesperson Thembeka Mbele. 


"Madela was sentenced to two terms of life imprisonment for rape and was declared unfit to possess a firearm. 

"His name will be included in the Sexual Offenders register and is not allowed to work with children further.”


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