KZN matric marking expected to get underway

KZN matric marking expected to get underway

Thousands of matric exam markers in the province will start checking scripts from Friday.

Exam papers

KZN Education MEC, Mthandeni Dlungwane says the markers have been going through training this week and had to do sample marking. 

"We had appointed markers throughout the province. In total, we have 27 marking centres that will be opening," he says. 

Grade 12s wrote their final National Senior Certificate exam paper yesterday afternoon. 

 ALSO READ: 2017 matric finals come to an end

He says the process of checking scripts is set to wrap up by the 14th of next month. Looking ahead to supplementary exams, Dlungwane says these will be written in February and March.

"This is for our learners who did not succeed in certain subjects, learners who were hospitalised, but also for learners that were unable to sit for the national examinations for one reason or the other," he says.  

The department says 31 content exam papers and 22 language papers were written. 

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