KwaDukuza gran gets her vision back

KwaDukuza gran gets her vision back

A 102-year-old woman from the Illembe District has been given her sight back after losing it a year and a half ago.

Eye test

Nomanhlanhla Hadebe and eleven other elderly people from KwaDukuza who had cataracts had them recently removed by Dr Malcom Carey as part of Eyecare Awareness Month.

Hadebe's overjoyed grand-daughter Busisiwe Mabaso says her grandmom who lives with her could not do anything for herself before the surgery because she had gone blind but is now walking and eating on her own now.

"She's happy because she can see her grandchildren, her house, food while she's eating. She can go out herself without being carried. She's very happy," she said.

(File photo)

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