Kubayi-Ngubane: New Year celebrations should not happen

Kubayi-Ngubane: New Year celebrations should not happen

Our Tourism Minister has issued a stern warning to businesses, in the sector, that continue to flout lockdown regulations.

Tourism minister SA
Andrew Robertson

"I will support the Minister of Health and the Minister of Police to shut down these establishments and revoking their licences so they don't have the license because they don't deserve to operate within our sector," she said. 

Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane is in eShowe for a two-day visit to boost tourism in the district. She says a lot of work's been done to rebuild the sector, hard hit by the pandemic, which's why they're adopting a zero-tolerance approach to non-compliance. 

Kubayi-Ngubane's visit forms part of a domestic travel activation campaign to encourage people to explore our country. 

But, now that South Africa's officially entered a second Covid-19 wave,  it's not yet clear how this is going to affect the year-end holidays. 

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Health Minister Zweli Mkhize also stressed last night that they're concerned about the rapid rise of infections in KwaZulu Natal. 

On the issue of visits to KZN's beaches over the festive season, Kubayi-Ngubane's told us that's going to be discussed at a meeting today. So will, this year's New Years Eve countdown celebrations. 

"I don't think those should happen this year, as minister of tourism. If I can say they should happen, then I'm being reckless. Because it's about making sure we preserve lives, one we are serving the livelihoods of people, so the balance is very important. 

"We will pronounce ourselves once it's we are able to consider what the health minister brings to us in terms of a proposal and what can be done." 

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