Just 18 municipalities out of 257 achieve clean audit outcomes

Just 18 municipalities out of 257 achieve clean audit outcomes

Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu has confirmed only 18 municipalities out of 257 countrywide have achieved clean audit outcomes for the 2017/18 financial year.

Auditor general Kimi Makwetu
By Gaopalelwe Phaleatsile
Twelve of the municipalities are from the Western Cape, followed by the Eastern Cape with two.

KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and Northern Cape have only one municipality each with a clean audit.

Makwetu says he is concerned about the performance of most municipalities in the country.

"This undesirable state of deteriorating audit outcomes shows that various local government role-players have been slow in implementing, and in many instances even disregarded, the audit office recommendations," he said.

"The accountability for financial and performance management continues to worsen in most municipalities."

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