
Index ranks South Africans as third most miserable in the world

Brand SA says while it will be studying an international index that has rated South Africa among the most miserable place on earth for - it believes South Africans are patriotic and have pride in their country.

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According to Bloomberg’s Misery Index, South Africa is the third most miserable country in the world, based on employment and inflation.

The index is put together by adding inflation to the unemployment rate.

Based on the formula, South Africa has scored of 32.90% - ranking it 3rd out of the 74 economies surveyed.

But Brand SA's Manusha Pillai says she finds it hard to believe as a recent survey that they've conducted found South Africans have very high levels (80%) of patriotism...

"Now, I'm not sure how you reconcile misery with pride and patriotism. This index seems to look at a lot of economic factors, and we are all quite cognizant that there are some economic challenges in the country.

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