I'm not resigning: NPA head

I'm not resigning: NPA head

Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Nomgcobo Jiba says although she has at times wanted to resign from her position she is going nowhere.


Jiba has been addressing the media in Johannesburg, following yesterday's decision by the newly-appointed NPA boss, Shaun Abrahams, to drop charges of fraud and perjury against her. 

Abrahams says after seeking legal opinion from senior prosecutors in the NPA he was satisfied that Jiba had made decision in good faith.

Jiba was set to go on trial today for her decision to prosecute the head of Hawks in KZN, Johan Booysen on racketeering charges. 

The Durban High Court threw the case out, saying the decision was illegal. 

Jiba says she has been called hurtful names.

"I have been called names. I don't know where these names come from. I don't look like a diva. I remember reading something that said 'Nomgcobo Jiba's nine lives' and I have only one life. I don't know what is meant by nine lives," she said. 

Jiba has also denied allegations she is protecting President Jacob Zuma by refusing to hand over the so-called spy tapes to the DA.

"I can't work for President Zuma because I'm a prosecutor. I've never refused to hand over any spy tapes. All that they needed was to be collected from the State Security. I don't know where it comes from. Where would I keep the spy tapes?" she said. 

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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