IFP wants parliamentary debate on sky-rocketing fuel price

IFP wants parliamentary debate on sky-rocketing fuel price

The IFP has written to the speaker of the National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, calling for an urgent debate on the prices we're now having to pay for fuel. 

Petrol pump at petrol station in Umhlanga
Nokukhanya N Mntambo

"We want government to clearly explain what are they going to do to cap the price of fuel increases so that there are within acceptable levels," says the party's Narend Singh. 

In the past two months, motorists have had to fork out an additional R2 for a litre of petrol. 


At midnight, both grades went up by 81 cents a litre. Diesel increased by between 72 and 74 cents a litre.


 "We have been raising in the past the issue of the almost one-third of the fuel price being taxes imposed by the government as the general fuel levy. 

 READ: Calls for fuel prices to be deregulated

"The increased price of Brent crude oil and impacts it has on fuel prices and the impact on commuters whether they in the taxi  to buy food."


Meanwhile, the taxi industry says it's struggling to make a living. 


Sifiso Shangase is with Santaco in KZN. 



"The fuel cost is having a negative impact, especially now as a business of taxi operators because it then means that the majority of the money we make goes to payment of fuel and this will also have a negative impact in the long term of running the business.

"We need to relook at the prices we are charging because when you are running a business, you must make a profit."


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