IFP manifesto highlights small business growth, job creation

IFP manifesto highlights small business growth, job creation

 Mangosuthu Buthelezi says the development of an inclusive economy is an absolute priority for the Inkatha Freedom Party.

Mangosuthu Buthelezi
Jarryd Subroyen

The IFP's launched its 2019 election manifesto in Chastworth, south Durban. 

Buthelezi told supporters yesterday the party's focus would be on local economic development, supporting small businesses as well as public-private partnerships.

"We want an unemployment register in every municipality to match jobs seekers to available jobs. Through the establishment of a department of youth and job creation - services can be put in place and to overcome obstacles like lack for transport for instance," he said.  

He's also said data costs need to be lowered.

"We need to remove all obstacles to people finding jobs.That includes lowering the cost of data to make access to the internet and email affordable for everyone."   

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