Health workers march in Durban over payment policies

Health workers march in Durban over payment policies

Health care workers belonging to the National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers have made their way to Durban's City Hall. 

Durban march - forensic pathologists and EMS workers
Jarryd Subroyen


The marchers, including forensic pathologists and EMRS workers, have been protesting over pay issues - specifically the danger allowance and payment grading system. 

They've been contentious issues for more than a decade.

ALSO READ: Durban march: Residents facing eviction speak

The health care workers are unhappy about an agreement that has already been signed by organised trade unions with the employer, the Health Department, on salary level increases and allowances for the dangerous situations that they work in.

The marchers, who dressed in full uniform, will hand over a memorandum of grievances to the CCMA. 

The union's S'fiso Dlamini says that they were hoping consultations with the workers took place before the agreement was signed. 

"It's an application for conciliation whereby we will be calling unions and national government - asking them why they signed an agreement that is less favourable," he said. 

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