Gigaba: Most immigrants aren't involved in crime

Gigaba: Most immigrants aren't involved in crime

Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba has reminded South Africans that most immigrants are in the country legally and are not involved in crime. 

Malusi Gigaba_gcis
Photo: GCIS

Gigaba was speaking at the Lighthouse Chapel International Church in Sunnyside on Sunday, following Friday's anti-immigrant march in Pretoria. 

Gigaba said most immigrants make a positive contribution to the country's economy. 

"Immigrants add enormous value to our society. They are school teachers, doctors, nurses, lecturers, engineers and play many other important roles. They pay taxes, operate businesses and employ South Africans," said Gigaba. 

Gigaba said they are taking action against South African employers who only employ immigrants. 

He urged South Africans to take action against crime and not make it an issue of immigration. 

"Crime is not better when committed by a South African and only worse when committed by an immigrant. Just as we do not talk about black crime, white crime, Zulu or Tswana crime let us not talk about immigrant crime. A drug dealer who happens to be Nigerian, it does not mean all Nigerians commit crime," said Gigaba.

Gigaba urged all immigrants to help South Africa in the fight against crime.

"Do not pay for fake or fraudulent documents, do not turn a blind to a crime committed by an immigrant mainly because they are your compatriot. Make the effort to know the constitution, laws and way of life. Integrate into the society and do not set yourself apart," said Gigaba

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