Free WiFi on selected People Mover buses

Free WiFi on selected People Mover buses

Commuters in eThekwini will now have access to free WiFi on 10 People Mover buses operating in the Durban inner city for the next nine months.  

People Mover buses to get free WiFi

The municipality's Transport Authority is testing the idea of free Internet access for the new integrated rapid transport network, Go!Durban.  

eThekwini says using the People Mover as a vehicle for a live working test will be for a limited time only providing free WiFi access to 250 megabytes daily to commuters during their ride around the city. 

eThekwini says the testing is over a limited period to validate the proof of concept which might be applied to the Go!Durban system. 

It's not a permanent WiFi solution to the existing public transport operators of the People Mover. 

eThekwini says it's looking forward to see how effective WiFi on public transport can be and how it can support commuters in a positive way. 

Go!Durban branding will be placed on the side of the people mover buses so that commuters know which vehicles will provide free WiFi over the test period. 

What are your thoughts on the city's temporary free WiFi programme on some People Mover buses?  

Would free Internet access encourage you to take public transport, if you aren't doing so already?  

Let our Newswatch team know via our WhatsApp number -  061 700 0800. 

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