Four guilty in Umlazi 'exorcism' case

Four guilty in Umlazi 'exorcism' case

Four women have been found guilty of the murder of their 15-year-old relative by the Durban High Court today. 

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In 2013 Sinethemba Dlamini of Umlazi died after she was disembowelled in an apparent exorcism by her two aunts and two cousins.

The women say they believed the teenage girl was a worshipper of the devil

A fifth woman who at the time was the girlfriend of Sinethemba's father turned state witness. 

The NPA's Natasha Ramkisson-Kara says the accused will be sentenced next month.

''The accused were convicted of murder in the Durban High Court today and the matter was adjourned to the 14th and 15th of December for sentencing,'' she said.

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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