Former apartheid minister apologises to Mbeki family

Former apartheid minister apologises to Mbeki family

Former Minister of  Law and Order Adriaan Vlok has apologised during a personal encounter with the family of former statesman Thabo Mbeki.

Adriaan Vlok, Moeletsi Mbeki
Screengrab, video by Jacaranda News

He met with the former president's brother, Moeletsi in Johannesburg earlier today.

In an exclusive interview with Jacaranda FM News, Vlok said forgiveness formed part of his belief system. 

It is reported Vlok was responsible for brutal police policies pre-1994.

"The fact of the matter is that I was actively involved in Apartheid and enforcing Apartheid in the country," he says in the video. 

"His father has been in prison for 25 years and that is why I want to look him in the eye because I believe that forgiveness and reconciliation is a personal matter," he says.

In 2006, the widower washed the feet of Frank Chikane whom he allegedly tried to assassinate in 1989. Vlok received a ten-year suspended sentence for the crime.

(Video by Jacaranda News)

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