Exam marker dies after being found unconscious in her room

Exam marker dies after being found unconscious in her room

The Department of Education in Gauteng is in mourning following the loss of a marker found unconscious at her room in Johannesburg.

School desk

The Department’s spokesperson, Steve Mabona, says the marker died of COVID-19 on Thursday morning.

“The Acting Gauteng MEC for Education in Gauteng, Mr. Jacob Mamabolo, has this morning conveyed the Department’s condolences to the family of a 59-year-old isiXhosa marker who passed away on Thursday morning.

“It is with great sadness that we confirm the passing of one of our markers. Initial reports indicate that the marker was found on Tuesday, 12 January 2021, found unconscious by our Centre Manager from Jeppe Boys Marking Venue at her accommodation.

This brings the number of deceased markers due to COVID-19 to three, after the KZN Department of Education confirmed two deaths in province earlier this week.

This after noticing that the marker had not reported for duty as expected. The marker, who tested positive for COVID-19, was admitted to a nearby hospital but, unfortunately, the marker died on Thursday, 14 January 2021.”

Mabona says the Department has organised medical support to the deceased’s family.

“The Gauteng Department of Education has offered psycho-social unit team to afford the support that we would normally give to the families or anyone who has been affected by this incident.

“Some of our officials had to accompany family members to the hospital just to make sure that they receive the support they required. The Markers who were with the late marker, they were then requested to conduct testing and were released from the marking venue while waiting for their results.”

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