eThekwini ratepayers' associations threaten to withhold payments

eThekwini ratepayers' associations threaten to withhold payments

Several ratepayers' associations in eThekwini have vowed to withhold payments to the city until their service delivery complaints are heard.

Electricity bill

The associations are mobilising to take the municipality to court over the latest round of rates increases.

They claim the city is bullying them into paying increased rates without making any effort to improve better service delivery.

Chairperson of the Westville Ratepayers Association Asad Gaffar says what is being done to residents is undemocratic.

"We are excising our constitutional right and an obligation to ensure that the money that is supposed to be for the city is used for the city. 

"We will take this money and set it aside and when we are 100 percent sure that there is good governance in City Hall, we will gladly hand over this money to them or to Treasury. 

"If we have to go to court and the court instructs us to hand over this money to the municipality, then only we will do so." 

But municipal spokesperson Lindiwe Khuzwayo says the city would advise residents against withholding payments. 

"The law is clear that non-payment for services is unlawful. The Municipality Property Rates Act of 2004 states that a rate levy by a municipality on a property must be paid by the owner of the property. 

"This is not unique to eThekwini, it is a balancing act faced by municipalities throughout the country."

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