Eskom board stands by Brian Molefe

Eskom board stands by Brian Molefe

The Eskom board has come out in full support of its CEO, Brian Molefe after the release of former public protector Thuli Madonsela's State of Capture report. 

Eskom CEO, Brian Molefe
Gallo Images

In the report, that was released after a court order earlier this week, Madonsela questions Molefe's relationship with the controversial Gupta family, as well as business done with them.

Yesterday during a briefing board chair Ben Ngubane questioned the validity of the report and stressed their support for Molefe.

Ngubane said he is confident that the deals Eskom and Molefe closed, specifically the one with Gupta-owned coal company, Tegeta, were all above board. 

An emotional Molefe confirmed it was his decision to make a deal with Tegeta as the previous coal supplier, Optimum, became unaffordable.  

ALSO READ: Eskom 'a criminal enterprise': analyst

"I do not agree that the board should resign over this matter - I will take responsibility as the CEO. I will go to the commission of inquiry - we will even ask for a judicial review of the public protector's report," Molefe said.

He added that President Jacob Zuma was not aware of this matter.

"The president didn't even know anything about it, as far as I am concerned," he said.

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