Elephant charges at Arnold Schwarzenegger during game drive in SA

Elephant charges at Arnold Schwarzenegger during game drive in SA

During his recent visit to South Africa, Hollywood movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, had an encounter when his safari vehicle was blocked and chased on by an elephant.

Elephant in the wild_gallo
File photo: Gallo Images

The former Senator of California has since shared the video on his YouTube channel. 

The actor's video has garnered well over 70 000 views.

Criticising the killing of these creatures, Schwarzenegger says he would have expressed the story better if it was a movie. 

"I couldn't have written this safari encounter better if it was a movie. I'm absolutely in awe of these beautiful, strong animals, even though some of us had to change our pants after this. 

''We need to stop killing them - take a photo, not a shot. Would you rather be able to experience these creatures or a hunk of ivory? I thought so," he said on his YouTube channel.

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