Effort to root out fake prophets

Effort to root out fake prophets

The Commission for Religious and Linguistic Communities is looking at asking parliament to pass legislation that will see the religious sector being regulated to protect those being exploited.

Chairperson Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva
Anelisa Kubheka

The commission’s chairperson Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva told reporters yesterday that they have summoned the leaders of 13 locally founded churches in Durban to appear before the commission.

Mkhwanazi-Xaluva says in some instances people are forking out thousands of rands to faith healers and pastors.

''We've heard of unbelievable stories. People are paying [ large] amounts of money such as R300 000, R500 000 for prayer. We honestly don't know what is happening.

''Some of these traditional healers promise people that Tikoloshes would bring them luck and money but that never happens,'' she said.

(Photo: Anelisa Kubheka)

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