EFF to march in Cape Town ahead of budget

EFF to march in Cape Town ahead of budget

The EFF says its march in Cape Town, ahead of Wednesday afternoon's budget speech, is aimed at drawing attention to what it calls the crippling loans government's taken from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

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Members of the party are planning on marching to Parliament on Wednesday morning from 10h00.

This afternoon Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana will table his maiden budget speech.

The EFF's Leigh-Ann Mathys says the money the country's using to repay its debt should be injected into infrastructure and industrialisation.

READ: Taxes in spotlight ahead of Godongwana budget

"Recently South Africa received a R11.4 billion loan from the World Bank and this came after a $4.3 billion the Treasury received from the International Monetary Fund.

"These loans will be inherited by future generations. They keep us dependant on the rest and this means that we will never determine our affairs as a country and we will never develop because we will be trapped in debt."


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