Durban twins scoop 16 distinctions

Durban twins scoop 16 distinctions

Working smart not hard - that's the winning formula for twin brothers Ishq and Ashiq Pramchand.  

 Ishq and Ashiq Pramchand.

The two La Lucia Crawford College learners boast 16 distinctions between them in the 2015 Matric exams. 

They're amongst dozens of matrics being honoured by the KZN Education Department at Durban's International Convention Centre today.

The 17-year-old brothers, who plan to study medicine at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, say the healthy competition between them kept them motivated. 

Ishq says he was pleased when he saw his results this morning.

"I was extremely glad about it when I looked at the newspaper and saw distinctions for all the subjects but in a small way I was expecting it - not to sound arrogant or anything. It's because we have worked so hard throughout the year," he said. 

Ashiq says having his brother as a study partner helped.

"When you're studying until 1am and 2am, it's great to have somebody there who supports you. When you have a challenging question - you can ask somebody who is almost just as skilled to clarify what you know which helps," he said. 

Durban twins scoop 16 distinctions

(Photo: Supplied)

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