Drop in COVID-19 cases as Day 1 of lockdown Level 2 enters

Drop in COVID-19 cases as Day 1 of lockdown Level 2 enters

South Africa enters lockdown Level 2 while there has been a significant decrease in the number of new COVID-19 infections. 

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The 24 hours leading up to Monday show that only 2 541 people have been infected with COVID-19.

This brings the total number of infections to 589 886.

According to the daily COVID-19 statistics released by Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize, Gauteng has exceeded the 200 000 mark with new infections.

READ: Here's what's banned under Alert Level 2 lockdown

The number of deaths continues to increase, with a total of 143 people succumbing to the virus over the past 24 hours.

The Eastern Cape accounts for 50 deaths, followed by the Western Cape at 32, in Mpumalanga there were 25 deaths, 14 deaths each from Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, the Free State has recorded five deaths, while the Northern Cape has recorded three.

Only 15 032 tests were conducted in the last 24-hour cycle.

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