Doctor dies in Durban North flat fire

Doctor dies in Durban North flat fire

KwaZulu-Natal authorities are probing the cause of a fire that killed a 44-year-old doctor in a flat on Durban's North Beach. 

Durban north flat fire

The blaze broke out inside his 3-bedroom home on the building's fifth floor on Monday morning. 

Firefighters were able to rescue another doctor trapped on the balcony. 

He suffered injuries to his right shoulder. 

eThekiwni's fire commander, Nkulumo Dube says the fire was confined to the 3-bedroom flat. 

"We found out there was one deceased; he was found in the bathroom."

"It was reported by the gentleman who we rescued. The fire started in one of the bedrooms - the deceased's bedroom - prior to him going into the bathroom."

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