Disadvantaged schools in KZN ‘playground for thugs, criminals’

Disadvantaged schools in KZN ‘playground for thugs, criminals’

There are again calls for better security at schools after the principal of a Newcastle high school was attacked in his office. 

Principals in South Africa have warned that children returning to a traditional school setting.
Principals in South Africa have warned that children returning to a traditional school setting. Image: Unsplash

It's understood a group of suspects entered the 51-year-old man's office at Indonsa Technical High School in Osizweni on Wednesday morning and fired shots towards him.


The principal managed to escape unharmed.


Police are investigating an attempted murder case.

 READ: Ramaphosa tells education lekgotla matric drop-out rate ‘remains concerning’

Teachers' union Naptosa’s Thirona Moodley says disadvantaged schools have become a playground for thugs and criminals.


"We want to look at the community to assist law enforcement and the schools in protecting them. We have thousands of no-fee schools in this province and they definitely not going to afford to put in CCTV cameras, armed response, burglar alarms, electric fences, and hire more security.


“It’s definitely financially out of reach for the majority of the schools in the province. 

"Then again we found the advantaged schools are able to protect their resources and their personal and learners, while the disadvantaged schools are at the receiving end of crime because they can't afford to protect themselves."

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