Damning forensic report shows corruption at Zululand Municipality

Damning forensic report shows corruption at Zululand Municipality

The Zululand District Council has been given 21 days to get back to the Cooperative Governance MEC on a forensic report that found maladministration and corruption at the municipality.

File photo - AFP

The report was tabled at a virtual council sitting on Thursday by a team assigned by MEC Sipho Hlomuka.

It contains a number of findings against several senior officials and councillors in the district. 

"The council has 21 days to come back to the MEC with their remedial actions in terms of addressing some of the issues that are contained in the report," says Cogta spokesperson Senzelwe Mzila.

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"Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka emphasized his commitment to transparency and ensuring that any allegations of corruption and maladministration are properly investigated in all municipalities without any fear or favour."

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