DA welcomes uMngeni ruling on council meeting

DA welcomes uMngeni ruling on council meeting

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in KwaZulu-Natal says it's looking forward to the first council sitting in uMngeni Municipality on Monday.

DA welcomes uMngeni ruling on council meeting

The party approached the Pietermaritzburg High Court on an urgent basis, asking it to force acting manager Sandile Buthelezi to call the inaugural meeting.

The court on Thursday ruled that Buthelezi lawfully holds the position and was the right official to convene the sitting.

Buthelezi had opposed the application and had wanted COGTA to appoint another official to preside over the meeting.

"It's a sad day when the DA has to approach the court like this to get municipal officials to do their job, while the KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Cogta stood back and watched this circus unfold," says DA KZN leader Francois Rodgers.

"The DA in KZN looks forward to the acting municipal manager calling for a meeting in uMnngeni so that our mayor-elect Chris Papas can be duly elected.

"The judgment sends out a clear message that municipal officials need to stay out of politics and focus their energy on service delivery."


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