Cuba students to focus on completing programme

Cuba students to focus on completing programme

KZN's Health MEC says medical students in Cuba who're missing classes to take part in church services must not detract from the aim of the programme. 

Medical students
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Sibongiseni Dhlomo says the future doctors are studying in Cuba to improve health services in South Africa. 

The MEC briefed the media in Durban yesterday after his visit to Cuba where officials had raised concerns over the conduct of some students. 

Dhlomo confirmed that of the 3 000 South African students there, about 150 were involved in daily church activities sometimes lasting seven hours. 

He says KZN has already benefited with 95 qualified doctors as a result of the programme.

"Since students have been spoken to, we hope that they will honour their undertaking and reduce the number of hours that they are devoting to the church activities. 

"We want to support them we don't want them to lose out on their studies. They will endeavour to work around their challenges but focusing on the main program," he said.

(File photo: Getty Images)

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