CRL Rights Commission Chairperson asked to recuse himself

CRL Rights Commission Chairperson asked to recuse himself

There's been high drama at the Durban hearings into allegations of rights abuses at the KwaSizabantu Mission. 

KwaSizabantu Mission commission
Nushera Soodyal

An advocate representing the Mission has asked the Chairperson of the CRL Rights Commission Luka Mosoma to recuse himself. 

Advocate Keith Mathee has accused Mosoma of already taking a side after he gave an interview to online news publication, News 24. 

The Commission's been hearing testimony from Monday, from witnesses and victims, following multiple allegations of sex abuse cover-ups, rapes and human rights violations at the mission. 

It's day three of the hearings and today, we expected to find out more from the leaders of the northern KZN church mission. 

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Last night, the brother of the mission's founder testified. 

A visibly upset Manfred Stegen said he decided to leave along with a few family members and their mother after a difference of values. He recalled the time he approached his brother, Erlo, about the allegations of rape. 

"I said hey, that fellow there, do you know what he is doing? and my brother says Ohh, he is one of those guys, he became one of those guys that always blame the woman. All the time, it's the men who don't know how to behave themselves. Sometimes, old men."

Stegen said his own daughter, a 4-year-old child, was punished at school.

"She had marks from the shoulders down to the legs, blood spots, and how that 4 year old was hit. I say I was a fool, I should have gone to the police."

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