Crime stats: Drop in number of reported rape cases

Crime stats: Drop in number of reported rape cases

Fewer rape cases were reported in South Africa between April and June.

Police Minister Bheki Cele

Police Minister Bheki Cele says 9 516 cases were opened in the three months, which is 500 fewer compared to the same period last year.

North West and Northern Cape are the only provinces that have had an increase in reported rapes.

"3 780 of the rapes took place in the homes of the rapists or homes of the victims. 1 546 people were raped in public places such as streets, parks and beaches. Public transportation such as buses, taxis and trains are third most likely places of occurrence for rape cases," he said. 

READ: Latest crime stats: 6 400 people murdered in three months

He said the decrease in reported rapes should be attributed to the work of the Family Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.

"SAPS continues to improve and positively respond to what has been declared a pandemic by the president. Evidence collection kits also known as rape kits and buccal sample kits continue to be procured and available for all victims of sexual crimes."


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