COVID-19: KZN elderly 'willing to be vaccinated'

COVID-19: KZN elderly 'willing to be vaccinated'

As the country prepares for phase 2 of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout some KZN old age homes say the elderly are ready and willing to taking the vaccine. 

Vaccine/ iStock

Self-registration portal on the Electronic Vaccination Data System opened yesterday for the elderly aged 60 and above. 

The CEO of the Morningside-based Bill Buchanan Association, Dudley Fortune, says they've been in contact with the provincial department of health and the registration process has started.

"There are some who feel that maybe the vaccine will harm them or maybe die but overall they are keen to get the jab done", he said.

"The Department of Health will also train our in-house nurses in giving the vaccination correctly", Fortune said.

Chairperson for the Aryan Benevolent Home in Pietermaritzburg, Dev Naidoo says the fact that they suffered a tragic loss of 13 residents has helped in convincing them of the need to be vaccinated. 

He says no one is displaying any scepticism and they have been educated by a professional nurse in charge as well as the Social Worker on the need to take the vaccination.

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