Consumer inflation rises to 5.4%

Consumer inflation rises to 5.4%

South Africa recorded a second consecutive acceleration in annual inflation, with the figure rising to 5.4% in September.

Consumer inflation soars to 13-year high

This brings the Consumer Price Inflation back to the same level it was in June. 


The Chief Director for Price Statistics, Patrick Kelly, says the CPI increased by 0.6% between August and September. 


Transport and food were the main contributors.


"The fuel index increased for a second consecutive month, rising by 7.6% between August and September. The price of inland 95-octane petrol jumped by R1.71 in September, reaching a 13-month high of R24.54," says Kelly. 


On food, he says after a cooled five months, inflation ticked slightly higher to 8.1% from 8.0% in August.

READ: Motorists expected to fork out less for fuel in November


Meat, fish, oils and fats, fruit and non-alcoholic beverages all registered higher annual rates in September.


"Lower rates were recorded for bread & cereals, sugar, sweets & desserts, vegetables and milk, eggs and cheese. Meat prices increased on average by 0.6% between August and September, pushing the annual rate up to 3.8%," says Kelly. 


"Poultry-related products experienced some upward price movements in September as producers started to cull birds in response to the outbreak of avian flu.


"Examples include fresh whole chicken up 2.2%, fresh chicken portions up 2.2% and non-IQF chicken portions up 1.9%. IQF chicken portions and chicken giblets were slightly cheaper."


Egg prices increased by 0.3% due to the impact of bird flu.

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