Calm restored in protest-hit Mpophomeni area

Calm restored in protest-hit Mpophomeni area

Electricity has now been restored in uMngeni Municipality's Mpophomeni area following days of protests and disruptions.

Mpophomeni protest July '22

Mayor Chris Pappas met with the affected community members on Wednesday and listened to their concerns about electricity and other issues in the township. 


The municipality also installed a new transformer and audited some 50 electricity meters in the Korea section with full cooperation from locals. 

 READ: Load shedding will chase away every single investor, warns Numsa

Mphophomeni protesters brought Howick to a standstill this week, after they were left without power when their transformer blew up due to illegal connections. 


Pappas urged residents to raise their concerns through the proper channels and avoid getting caught up in violent demonstrations. 


"The electricity was restored at 2.55, unfortunately at 3pm  there was loadshedding. We managed to complete the installation and all the audits. 


"What we will need to do after loadshedding there might be switches that tripped or isolated issues that we told residents will come back and sort out those houses."

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