Budget speech pulls mixed reviews from organisations

Budget speech pulls mixed reviews from organisations

There has been mixed reaction to the 2023 budget speech.

South African Rands notes stacked / iStock
South African Rands notes stacked / iStock

Public Enterprises says the R254 billion bailout for Eskom shows that the government is committed to helping the utility achieve operational and financial sustainability. Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana says the money will help Eskom settle its debt obligations over the next three financial years.


An organisation supporting communities and the environment says tax incentives for rooftop solar panels are a step in the right direction. The Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute has highlighted though the issue of costs. Spokesperson Francesca de Gasparis. 

"It's a little scratch, a little benefit towards homeowners but with solar prices being what they are it doesn't really create that much opportunity for homeowners or small businesses to take advantage however it is a step in the right direction."


CEO of the SA Liquor Brand owners Association Kurt Moore says they are pleased excise taxes on alcohol are going up by 4.9%. " This will enable the alcohol industry to live up to its potential to continue its economic growth, through creating jobs, encouraging the growth of SMMEs, attracting foreign investment and contributing to the fiscus."


The SA Canegrowers Association's Andrew Russell says they appreciate the decision to leave the sugar tax or health promotion levy unchanged for now. " The decision to maintain the levy to its current level for two years recognises the difficult operating environment for the sugar industry."

 READ: Solar panel tax rebates to help ease SA energy crisis

Kulani Siweya is an agricultural economist at Agri SA. He says the minister could have explored more solutions for the agricultural sector. " We welcome the debt relief for Eskom because that entity is in a dire state, we are also pleased by the extension of the rebate for diesel to manufacturers of foodstuff, this will help to contain the cost of food production to the benefit of consumers."  

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