Authorities assessing Union Buildings damage

Authorities assessing Union Buildings damage

Authorities in Pretoria are assessing the damage caused by a group of protesters, who joined the #FeesMustFall  mass demonstration in the capital city yesterday.


A handful of protesters refused to leave the Union Buildings premises yesterday after President Jacob Zuma announced that there will be no tuition fee hike at the country's universities next year. 

Some of the protesters are reported to have torched two police cars in the Pretoria CBD, while they were involved in clashed with officers.

Police used rubber bullets and teargas to disperse the remaining crowds.

Large parts of the palisade fencing which goes around the Union Buildings were completely flattened. 

Several portable toilets were also set alight while a fair amount of damage has been done to the gates.

The group was unhappy that Zuma did not address them directly after they spent hours waiting for him on the lawns of the Union Buildings. 

Zuma made the announcement from inside the Union Buildings in a televised address.

Zuma had met with management from universities and student representatives in a closed session.

(Photo: Gallo Images)

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