ANC promises stronger vetting process for elections

ANC promises stronger vetting process for elections

The African National Congress' electoral committee has promised to strengthen its vetting process. 


Chairperson Livhuwani Matsila says public representatives implicated in wrongdoing will not be nominated. 


The committee's given an update on the party's candidate selection in the run-up to next year's general elections. 


Matsila says the ANC cannot afford to have its name dragged through the mud by people involved in criminal activities. 


He says nominated candidates will be deployed to parliament and various provincial legislatures.


"No candidate also is eligible for nomination if he or she is temporarily suspended pending the outcome of a court case or disciplinary hearing. 


"No candidate will be eligible for nominations if his or her case has been finalised by the integrity commission and the NEC has approved and implemented the IEC's recommendation for a suspension of membership or stepping aside from leadership or public office."

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