Abandoned infant found in Chatsworth

Abandoned infant found in Chatsworth

A normal walk to work took an unusual turn for two Durbanites on Thursday morning, when they came across an abandoned infant. 

Chatsworth baby found

The baby boy was found on the corner of Yolan Place and Havenside Drive in Chatsworth, south of Durban. 

Gugu Mbulu was walking with her friend when she spotted the baby. 

She says her first instinct was to pick him up from the cold pavement.

"We saw a child that was just left on the side of the road. He wasn't crying, but he was moving - showing that he is still alive. The first thing that came to mind is that we should help the child. So we phoned the police. 

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"I felt so sorry for a small baby lying on the floor outside - early in the morning when it's so cold. All I wanted to do was to help the baby while he was still alive."

Police say the baby – weighing 3.5kgs - is in stable condition in hospital. A case of child abandonment is being investigated.

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