6 SA border ports to get multi-billion rand upgrade

6 SA border ports to get multi-billion rand upgrade

The country's six busiest ports are getting an upgrade.

BeitBridge Border Post
File Photo

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi told a media briefing in Pretoria on Tuesday the upgrades will be done to facilitate and ease trade.


"The South African government is committed to put the latest infrastructure and relevant technology in its effort to modernise and upgrade our ports to be on par with the current global best practice on border management." 

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Mostoaledi said the multi-billion rand redevelopment of Beitbridge, Maseru, Ficksburg, Kopfointein, Oshoek and Lembobo ports of entry will also address the movement of illicit goods.


"The outcome of the redevelopment of these ports of entry will be used as a blueprint in the long term for all other South Africa's land ports of entry. The primary intention is to ensure the realisation of economic integration in the SADC region.”

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