6 killed, 4 injured after men set EC tavern alight

6 killed, 4 injured after men set EC tavern alight

Six people have been killed and four others hurt after two men set a tavern alight near King Williams Town in the Eastern Cape.


Community Safety spokesperson, Unathi Binqose says the attackers entered the tavern on Thursday night and ordered people out.

READ: Man found dead after Dundee home fire, 3 arrested

He says they then threw what is believed to be a petrol bomb into the place.

"The MEC [Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe] has described the attack as very evil, attacking innocent people that were out to unwind. 

"She has called on the police to work very hard and ensure that they apprehend those who are behind this attack," says  Binqose. 

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