2% drop in KZN road deaths 'barely an improvement'

2% drop in KZN road deaths 'barely an improvement'

KwaZulu-Natal Transport MEC Willies Mchunu says despite the 2% decline in road fatalities in the province over the festive season, the number of people losing their lives in road accidents is still too high.

Jaws of Life, paramedics

KwaZulu-Natal Transport MEC Willies Mchunu says despite the 2% decline in road fatalities in the province over the festive season, the number of people loosing their lives in road accidents is still too high.  

KZN recorded 302 fatalities during the holidays and is the only province to see a decline road deaths in comparison to the previous period.

According to official figures, 208 000 vehicles were stopped in KZN, 3900 people were arrested for not buckling up and 444 were caught for drinking and driving. 

The department's Nathi Sukazi says many people are simply ignoring the rules of the road.

"We are saying that needs to change if we are to save lives, that needs to change if we are to ensure that we reduce drastically the number of crashes on our roads," he said.

(File photo)

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