What to eat before #BigWalkDurban

What to eat before #BigWalkDurban

Eating properly before any form of exercise, especially a walking workout, can do wonders for energy levels. 

big walk

The Discovery East Coast Radio Big Walk is more fun that it is an actual workout for most people.

But let’s face it, even the 5km route can be daunting for many - especially if the most exercise you have done this year was sleepwalking to your fridge for a midnight snack.

Whatever your fitness level, give your body the energy boost it needs by eating some of these foods before your big walk.

The biggest no-no for the day (aside from asking Darren Maule to repeat his twerking tutorial), is to start on an empty stomach. 

A bowl of oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only a tasty breakfast meal, but it is perfect to help your endurance levels. The low glycemic index in oatmeal means you can stay full of energy for longer. Top off your porridge with some healthy fruit and nuts. Your body will thank you for it!


Speaking of fruit, the potassium in bananas is great for muscle cramps. Don’t eat too many though, as you could end up getting a headache or becoming lethargic. 

Trail mix

Keep your energy levels up during the walk by keeping a homemade trail mix, consisting of healthy nuts and dried fruit. 

Energy bar

If you don’t have time to make your own trail mix, then an energy bar is your next best bet. But avoid bars that have a high sugar content and unhealthy additives. Select energy bars that use natural ingredients. Always read the labels! 


Make sure you drink lots of water before, during, and after your big walk route. This will help keep you hydrated all day, and avoid any unfortunate fainting incidents. You can also opt to drink an energy drink, but make sure it is not high in caffeine. 

Depending on when your route is about to start, make sure you eat at least 30-minutes before you head out the door, to help ensure your food digests. And remember, the bigger the meal, the more digestive time you will need. 

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