Famous first tweets

Famous first tweets

When people tweet for the first time it's funny. Here is a look at how your favourite celebs spent their first 140 characters on Twitter.


In case you didn’t know, Twitter has this really cool tool where you can see what the first tweet ever posted from an account was. 

It’s really cool to discover what people said when they first joined the social network - especially if they are famous. 

So we trolled around the Internet and collected some of the best, funny and awkward tweets from musicians (mostly). 

Check it out: 

Toya Delazy: We have no idea what she was talking about, but it sounds like it was exciting...


AKA:  Boy has been hustling hard. 


Cassper Nyovest: Cassper had a dream…ya neh, the struggle was real.


Black Coffee:  This just in


J Something: Photoshoot fresh


Khuli Chana: Greetings from Maftown


Drake: Cryptic much?


Kim Kardashian: Hello clones


Kwesta: At least take us out for dinner first.


Trevor Gumbi: Uhmm too much info


Trevor Noah: True dat


Jay Z: The king is checking out his kingdom


Kelly Khumalo: Eish…


Nicki Minaj: The thirst for followers


Florence Masebe: A great movie it was​


Amanda Du Pont: Waiting on calls from kingdom​


Pearl Thusi: Return of the mack​


Taylor Swift: Taylor’s cat might be the ancestor of all the grumpy cats on the internet​. 


Katy Perry: Stop being weird Katy. 


J Cole: ​Admit it: you love us J. 


Kid X: Twitter?


​​Kenny Kunene: Party errday​


Nonhle Thema: Neither can we

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