The secret sauce to viral campaigns | Talking in Creative Circles podcast

The secret sauce to viral campaigns

Ever wondered how some marketing campaigns just seem to catch fire and get everyone talking? It's all about mastering Earned Media – the art of getting organic buzz without paying for it. 

Going viral with your marketing campaign

Earned Media happens when your content is so good that people can't help but share it. Mike Sharman, Chief Creative Officer at Retroviral, sums it up: "Earned Media is really around other people bragging about your work for you."

To find more about Earned Media and how to get it, take a listen to the latest episode of 'Talking in Creative Circles' - the official podcast of the Creative Circle. 

It features Keri-Ann Stanton, PR Strategist and Creative at KAMuses; Steph van Niekerk,  ECD at TBWA\ Hunt Lascaris and Mike Sharman.

The episode explores how to create campaigns that naturally draw attention. Stanton, Van Niekerk and Sharman share secrets on making your campaign go viral and why authentic storytelling is key. Whether you’re a marketing pro or just curious, this conversation is packed with tips and insights. 

Listen at the top of the page, or directly below:

Talking in Creative Circles Podcast artwork
The Creative Circle

Meanwhile, what makes an ad truly award-worthy? Episode one takes you behind the scenes of the South African advertising industry, starting with a deep dive into the 2023 Creative Circle Best of the Year awards.

Industry heavyweights Carl Willoughby, Chief Creative Officer at TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Sibusiso Sitole, Chief Creative Officer and founding partner of The Odd Number, and Roanna Williams, Chief Creative Officer & co-founder of Boundless dissect the winning campaigns, discussing trends across categories and the importance of creating ads that resonate with a brand's identity and purpose.

Listen to episode one below.

Talking in Creative Circles is produced in partnership with Kagiso Media Radio.

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