Lorna Maseko serves taste of South Africa in NYC

Lorna Maseko serves taste of South Africa in New York City

Lorna Maseko keeps putting South Africa on the map. 

Lorna Maseko in New York City
Lorna Maseko in New York City / Instagram

Lorna Maseko is a proud South African chef! 

The 40-year-old is determined to ensure the world gets a taste of South Africa's rich heritage through food.

She is currently in New York City and is set to showcase some of her dishes at Hav and Mar on Friday. 

The chef shared the news on Instagram after posting images from her past weekend experience at Little Italy in Lower Manhattan. 

"Words cannot describe how incredible it was to host my popup, Taste of SA, in NYC," she wrote on Instagram. 

"We were nestled at a cute venue in Little Italy and served South African food under the New York City skyline," she added. 

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Lorna said the experience was an honour. 

"It was an absolute honour to have the likes of Jesse Eisenberg, Sawyer Spielberg, Corey B, and more chefs and colleagues at the event experiencing my heritage and culture through food, wine, and flavor. Thanks to @brandsouthafrica and @karatarawines for helping to bring South African cuisine stateside. Look out for more peeks into the lunch and dinner seatings, coming soon!"

Lorna served some of SA's favourite dishes, including vetkoeks. 

This is not the first time Lorna showcased South African dishes on an international scale.

In June, she held a pop-up restaurant in Los Angeles, California. 

One of the celebrities who came to eat while Lorna was in LA was RnB star Omarion.

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