Should you side hustle?

Should you side hustle?

With rising interest rates and higher living costs, many people are looking for side hustles to earn extra income. But is this a wise idea?

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In this episode of The Money Podcast, Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester talk about people's biggest mistakes when looking for side hustles. 

They also discuss an easy, more effective way of earning extra money by leveraging your existing skills instead of learning new skills from scratch again.

This advice could save you a tremendous amount of time and effort, and it's an 11-minute listen. Click below...

Last week, Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester spoke about the pros and cons of using a broker. In the past, it used to be extremely difficult to invest in stocks and most of the time you had to use a broker to do it for you. Now with the likes of EasyEquities, it can be as simple as clicking a button.

Justin and Dawie explain that broker fees can erode 40% of your portfolio and how to prevent it from happening to you.

They also give you essential questions you need to ask a broker before making use of their service. It's a 14-minute listen that can change the way you see your money. Listen below...

Meanwhile, cryptocurrency has made many millionaires overnight, and it sounds incredibly appealing. But should you invest in it?

In an earlier episode of The Money Podcast, Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester shared their personal experience with Cryptocurrency as well as their lessons after reviewing more than 600 crypto projects. They also tell you what you need to know before you invest to avoid the mistakes so many people make.

[Click below to listen]

More about Justin and Dawie:

Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester are two self-made entrepreneurs on a mission to help South Africans become better at money. They're involved in multiple business ventures and share a common passion for financial education, self-improvement and simplicity, and these are the driving force behind all their ventures.

Justin Harrison is the author of eight personal finance books; he’s a serial entrepreneur, investor, wealth creator and one of South Africa's thought leaders in the financial technology space. He is a passionate South African, father of three and avid sportsman who believes deeply that South Africa is one of the best countries in the world.

David Bester is also a personal finance author, personal finance coach, entrepreneur and investor, and has been on the forefront of the digital finance revolution for the last decade. He is a father of two, an avid sportsman, and believes that South Africans can prosper with the correct motivation and direction.

Catch them weekly in The Money Podcast with practical, down-to-earth advice which you can take and action immediately. New episodes are released every Thursday. Subscribe via this page. If you would like to reach Justin and Dawie directly, please visit the links below:


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