Five places to eat along the Inanda Heritage Route

5 places to eat along the Inanda Heritage Route

Good food, rich history, and plenty to see – the Inanda Heritage Route is fun for the whole family.

Inanda Heritage Route
Supplied, Tourism KwaZulu Natal
Tourism KZN
Tourism KZN

The Inanda Heritage Route is bursting with historical sites worth exploring.

Inanda, north of Durban, is not always the first choice when travelers are looking for new places to visit, but once you know more about the area, you will be excited to see what it has on offer.

The area has many stories to tell about its rich history. Struggle icon Nelson Mandela cast his vote in 1994 at the Ohlange Institute in Inanda.

Mahatma Gandhi started his passive resistance movement while living in the original Phoenix Settlement in Inanda.

Apartheid segregation laws saw thousands of African and Indian people being removed from the province’s urban areas – many of them ended up in Inanda.

The area was also the battleground of political violence and the ‘1985 Inanda Riots’.

There’s lots to learn on the Inanda Heritage Route, which includes visits to some of KZN’s historic sites, including Phoenix, Mzinyathi Falls, Ohlange, Ekuphakameni (sacred Shembe site), Ebuhleni, and Inanda Seminary – the first school of its kind for black girls.

Visitors will be able to see Gandhi's house when the trail starts in the Phoenix Settlement.

They will also visit Ohlange Institute, a school founded by the ANC’s first president, John Langalibalele Dube.

A visit to Inanda Dam will cap off a great day of learning about Inanda’s rich history, heritage, and culture.

There are also great places to eat along the trail. Here are some of the popular eateries:


For more KZN Travels articles read below:

  1. Inside the Battle of Isandlwana – Explore one KZN’s most historic sites
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  3. Visiting the Valley of Kings
  4. Interesting facts about Umkhosi WoMhlanga – the famous Zulu Reed Dance
  5. The rich cultural history of Fort Nongqayi

Main image courtesy of Tourism KwaZulu-Natal

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