What songs should be on the #LoadShedding playlist?

What songs should be on the #LoadShedding playlist?

Don't let load shedding bring you down! Darren has created a fun way to enjoy the darkness by creating a load shedding playlist.


Listen to the podcast or read the details below: 

Darren, Keri, and Gareth have shared their thoughts on what should be on that list. From Kanye West's 'Flashlight' to Leanne Rimes' 'Can't Fight the Moonlight' - and even Bee Gees' 'Night Fever'.

So you can see, load shedding isn't always gloomy and dismal, it can be bright and beautiful!

ALSO: Check out your loadshedding schedule


Which songs do you think should be on the playlist, drop us a comment below: 

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